Sleeping on bunk beds is always fun. It can also be an excellent way to decorate your kid’s room while saving floor space. The design stacks two or more beds on top of one another, you can be more creative with your style.

  1. Size

Beds are essential furniture in the bedrooms, yet it needs to be a particular size. Consider your kid’s ages and how their needs will change over time, as well as their height, bedroom size, and floor space.

  1. Storage

When you choose a bunk bed, you’re getting a storage solution that you can use in various ways. For instance, if the bed has an integrated shelf on the side, you can keep books for your young explorer to develop reading habits and explore new things.

  1. Height

It’s important to consider that, though beds are not only for sleeping but also for sitting. Therefore the distance between the top bunk and the ceiling, as well as the distance between both bunks, must be sufficient for your kids to do so comfortably without cramping their heads.

  1. Stairs or Ladders

Stairs are often safer for smaller kids to navigate, although ladders are more enjoyable for older children. You can make drawers to have some extra storage space where kids can keep their toys and other belongings on the stairs.

  1. Make it Safe

The bed must be made up of solid wood instead of wood flakes glued together to add durability and, most importantly, the safety of the little ones. Must check that the bunk bed has all of the necessary safety elements.