Best Deal-Best Quality! Bunk Bed Ideas For Your Kids

Twin-over-Twin Solid Wood Bunk Bed is inherently interesting, takes things up a notch, offering a variety of features that will keep kids engaged–and perhaps even looking forward to bedtime. Bunk Bed provides space for two adults and one child, or for three adults in places where space is a premium. As a double-over-double bunk, there is plenty of space in each bunk for a single occupant to enjoy a comfortable night’s rest. The difference is the full-size bed is placed in an L-shape, instead of directly under the twin beds. [Sources: 1, 2, 3, 5]

This is a great option if you have a baby who has grown out of his or her twin bed but is not ready yet for the full-size. It also can be converted to two single twin beds if kids get tired of the cots or end up sharing rooms someday. It is a triple bunk, which allows for three individual beds that only need the floor space for one. There is a staircase to reach the top bunk to the left, and storage underneath the beds, with two colorways available. [Sources: 2, 3, 6, 7]

This bed has so many awesome features that make this one of our top picks for twin-over-full bunk beds. When testing different configurations in Our Favorite, our testers noted it was easy to split up into two twin beds with our tester partners’ assistance, and the bed felt solid when it was in its traditional bunk configuration. The best bunk beds add a fun dimension to a kid’s bedroom, but they also help families save…[+] on space, by offering two and sometimes three beds in one. Whether your kids are sharing rooms (#apartmentlife), you need a spare sleeping option for sleepovers and visiting cousins, or you need a bed that can double duty as a gaming area/treehouse/whatever, a bunk bed can be an awesome investment. [Sources: 0, 2, 4, 8]

Bunk beds for kids are awesome — they are been on the best-of lists of household essentials for years, including those of us who live in smaller spaces. By stacking two beds on top of one another, you free up precious floor space in a kid’s bedroom. Twin Metal Bunk Bed The best kids’ bunk beds for small rooms Check out the price Most bottom-to-ground bunk beds are designed with young children in mind, so there may not be much floor space for the beds themselves. [Sources: 0, 3, 5]

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