The living room space in modern homes sets the tone for the entire interior. Although the sofa is an integral part of the overall ambiance, the coffee table that complements it may legitimately call the main character among the supporting actors.

  1. Geometric Shapes

This year, geometric furniture has become increasingly popular. For instance, hex-framed mirrors have replaced classic round mirrors and have a standard square or rectangular coffee tables. Instead, consider geometric shapes such as hexagonal or abstract. You’re not sure if an oddly shaped coffee table will work in your living room? If your living space is devoid of vibrant elements, the answer is definitely yes!

  1. Multifunctional and Layered

The versatile coffee table is a perfect solution if you don’t have enough space to keep books and decor pieces. A coffee table that converts to a dining table will be a fantastic treasure for a living area with limited space. Its excellent design allows you to convert it to any format you want in a matter of seconds.

  1. Bright Color

Finding a coffee table in a vibrant color for a living room can be difficult, as most homeowners choose a hue that blends in with the rest of the decor. A brightly colored coffee table, on the other hand, would be a terrific way to liven up a drab room.

  1. Modular Tables

In 2021, tables in sets of two or more, constructed in the same style but of varying sizes, will be popular. They are quite practical because you can put them together and take them apart as needed.