As one of the most intimate spaces within a home, a bedroom is where you spend most of your day. That’s why the bedroom needs to be a direct reflection of your impeccable style. While decorating the home, a bedroom should be the first area to focus on. After all, the place needs to be chic and comfy over anything else. Here’s a list of beautiful bedroom decor ideas that will help you rest easy.

  1. Highlight the artwork:

Modernize your room with a statement piece of artwork, whether it’s a photograph, sculpture, or a colorful painting. While it can indeed be displayed on a wall, hanging your favorite piece of artwork against the wall can be just as powerful.

  1. Opt for the statement pieces:

Every bedroom has its centerpiece. Opt for a dark wood bed frame; an impressive glided dresser with a velvet armchair would make an overwhelmingly attractive appearance. Try not to clutter the bedroom with too many pieces; instead, let each piece outshines on its own.

  1. Add greenery:

The quickest way to add a chic factor to your bedroom is to fill it up with greenery. Upgrade your room by adding a large fern at the corner of your room or small potted plants on the dresser. No wonder adding a few plants can take the final leap to luxury.

  1. Bright Accent themes:

While a subdued color scheme is a trademark of modern décor, pops of vibrant accent colors keep it lively. Opt for darker shades, including red and orange, to light up the room.

  1. Modern versatility:

Create a bedroom that’s chic and productive. After all, productivity is the basic theme of modernism. It must be versatile enough to carry one’s needs aesthetically.