As a lover of books, there is nothing more beautiful than lots of books arranged on a stylish shelf. We all love a good book display in our living spaces and here are some ideas that are going to ensure you have yourself a lovely bookshelf for storing and displaying your reads.

  1. High impact theme

Mounting floating shelves at your reading nook will help you achieve great dimensions. You can also choose to have the same fabric on the shelves as on your seat to bring cohesion.

  1. Under the stairs stacking

Let’s face it, the space under the stairs can look quite awkward. You can transform it into something beautiful by making some shelves down there and placing some books on them.

  1. Artwork overlay

If you already have one of those library bookshelves and find it boring, you can place a painting strategically in the middle of the bookshelf to give the room more life.

  1. Make use of other furniture

You can place a stack of books on your bedside stool or even on top of a chest of drawers. These books will be decorative pieces on the furniture and also you’ll have found yourself a place to store your books. It’s a win for everyone.

  1. Add a formal flair

You can have two bookcases next to each other and in between them, add a large scale painting and a seat. This brings about a sense of symmetry in the room.

  1. Page side outward

You can store your books with the page side facing outward instead of the cover side. On one shelf, lay the books vertically and on another one, lay them horizontally. This will bring out consistency and a minimalist look in the space.

I hope these tips will help you figure out how to perfectly install your bookshelves and display your books.