Stripping paint from a piece of old wood furniture is never easy since it’s usually full of crannies and nooks and also the finer details that you don’t want to get rid of since the old piece of wood furniture might end up revealing a gorgeous hardwood or honeyed pine.

In order to remove the materials there are a few tools and materials that you will require:

  • Heat gun
  • Scrappers and scrubbers
  • Paint stripper
  • The lead paint test kit
  • Safety equipment
  • Sandpaper


  1. Test the paint for lead

Lead-based paint has been known to cause health complications mainly among children, hence it’s always a good idea to use the lead paint test kit to test for any traces of lead on the paint.

  1. Remove or cover the sensitive areas.

Accessories such as knobs, hinges and pulls should always be removed in order to make everything much easier, but in a case, some of the materials cannot be removed cover it with some heavy plastic and secure it with a painter’s tape.

  1. Start with the Heat Gun.

It’s always advisable to first remove all the paint that you can use a Heat Gun and be very careful since Heat Guns have been known to start fires.

  1. Proceed to paint Strippers.

After using the Heat Gun to remove as much paint as possible. You can now use a paint stripper to take off the rest. Always use the stripper as directed by the manufacturer.

  1. Scrape the softened paint.

Let the strippers do their work and afterward scrape the softened paint before it hardens.