Stripping furniture is an easy and very satisfying DIY project. Have you recently thought of stripping an old piece of furniture that you either inherited from your parents or rescued it from a dumpster? If yes then this article is for you.

With the following tips, you can easily strip your old furniture and give it a new chance to live.

  1. Choose the right Stripper

When shopping for the right stripping product it always comes to two factors; safety and speed, since most stripping products work perfectly well on any type of finish. Do not just buy any stripper just because of the marketing on the cylinder or due to recommendation from the self- acclaimed experts. Always conduct extensive research on the best stripper to use depending on the type of work you intend to do.

  1. Use the appropriate Stripping tools

It’s always advisable to use the right tools for each job when stripping either use an old paintbrush or a disposable chip brush. Since some strippers eat plastic manufacturers recommend using metallic Containers.

  1. Carpet your workbench.

Always protect your workbench from scratches, by covering it with a carpet, old cloth, or a newspaper.

  1. Brush it on thick.

Don’t be afraid of getting your strippers thick, go ahead to add a second coating I case the first one dries up before you have time to scrape it off.

  1. Is a piece of furniture worth stripping?

Sometimes you may find some old pieces of furniture that were panted in order to hide scars or it was just an ugly wood.