Did you recently buy a new home? Or are you still processing your mortgage rates and closing cost, just keep in mind you still have another task at hand furnishing your new home.

Perhaps you still have some furniture from your previous apartment but they are not your style anymore. If this is the case you might be wondering how much money you need to set aside to decorate and furnish your new home.

There is no correct answer to this question since it solely depends on your budget, but if you are the type of person who loves the DIY activities and love shopping from second-hand stores you are likely to spend much less compared to someone shopping from the high-end stores.

It’s nearly impossible to give a solid answer to the price of the furniture you need to furnish your new home since furniture prices keep fluctuating however it’s good  to note that the most expensive rooms to furnish are often;

  • The Livingroom
  • The Master bedroom
  • The Dining room

It’s more likely that you could spend thousands of dollars on each of these rooms but on other rooms such as the guest bedroom, it’s also possible to spend below a thousand dollars.

When it comes to lighting and you are looking to save some money it’s advisable to stick with the lighting already installed by the previous owner but if you have a more flexible budget you may want to purchase lighting that is more energy-efficient.

As you furnish your new home it’s always good to note that “Home is where the heart is” and it’s always good to take your time and get it right.